The narrative of Hoos The Framing Company intertwines deeply with the personal journey of our founder, Garrett Todd. Arriving in Washington State with nothing but a backpack of clothes after a grueling five-day journey by Greyhound bus, Garrett's beginnings were as humble as they come. This experience shaped his approach to life and business, instilling in him resilience and determination that now form the backbone of our company. Garrett's journey from those challenging days to founding a successful construction company is a testament to the power of perseverance and hard work. He built Hoos The Framing Company from the ground up, driven by a vision to not only excel in the competitive world of construction but also to set new standards for quality and integrity.
Ready to transform your space? Contact HOOS Framing today to discuss your construction and remodeling needs. Whether you're planning a home renovation, new construction project, or commercial improvement, we're here to bring your vision to life. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and experience our expertise.